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开发 Mihaela Popescu
7.99 USD

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Cut and paste files in the Finder. Merge folders!

moveAddict provides a functionality the Finder was missing, the ability to move files using the keyboard. It’s meant to replace dragging and dropping for anyone that would rather use the keyboard instead of the mouse.

How it works:

- Step 1: Cut. Select the files you want to move and cut them (by using the keyboard shortcut or the menu icon). During this step, moveAddict simply remembers the location of the files, it does not change them in any way. If you forget to paste the files, nothing happens, they are perfectly safe at their original location.
- Step 2: Paste. Use the keyboard shortcut or the menu icon to initiate the move. During this step, moveAddict will move the files you cut to the folder you have open.


- Merge folders. While moving folders, if moveAddict detects that you are trying to replace a folder, it lets you choose whether you want to completely replace the folder or merge the two.
- Familiar keyboard shortcuts. You can use CMD-X and CMD-V as your shortcuts or you can choose your own.
- Easy to configure. The moment you run moveAddict, you can start cutting and pasting files. However, if you’d like to change something, you can do it in the preferences.